Paul Johnson has been involved with Logistics and International Freight Forwarding for over twenty years. A pioneer of Courier Logistics…
Staff Profiles – Introducing… Cath
Cath has nearly 30 years’ experience in the international freight industry. She enjoys the variety of projects which she manages…
Staff Profiles – Introducing… Jamie H
Jamie Hawksworth – International Freight Consultant Upon leaving school, Jamie began a further 3 years education in college studying Digital Interactive Media and Games Development, earning multiple certificates showing his dedication and skills. After leaving college...
New youngest recruit to International Freight Solutions
IFS’s latest recruit joins us through the ‘Kickstart Scheme’ – a government initiative. Jamie has settled in with ease, bringing enthusiasm along with…
Staff Profiles – Introducing… Andrew F
Andrew Foster – Digital Marketing As a creative, Andrew has spent nearly three decades working in the design sector specialising in digital design and marketing. He has worked with Paul since 2016, designing and implementing the IFS brand and being responsible for...
Staff Profiles – Introducing… John Collumbine
John has had a lengthy career in all aspects of freight forwarding since the early 70’s. His career in freight forwarding began 2 years earlier, whilst…
Meet Adam Smith, a valued member of the IFS team
Adam began working in transportation through an apprenticeship scheme upon leaving school and has racked up 15 years knowledge and experience in the industry, working in many different departments at Courier Logistics. He was grateful to receive two nominations whilst...
Staff Profiles – Introducing… Ingrid
In the second part of our blog series on IFS staff profiles - here is Ingrid Kirkby, International Freight Consultant. “My initiation into the logistics world started in 2001 when I joined the customer service department at TNT, having spent several years as a travel...