Welcome to our IFS News Blog
In this section we share what’s happening in the world of international freight forwarding, with news updates, worldwide freight resources and much more…
Containers taking twice as long to reach their destination compared to pre-pandemic period
New data shows how much longer containers are taking to reach their destination on the main east-west tradelanes, helping explain the port snarl-ups seen across the world over the past year.
Kuehne+Nagel was the first air logistics provider to offer customers sustainable fuel for all shipments
We are delighted to report that our regular trade-partner, K+N are supporting our customers to avoid CO2 emissions globally.
Pioneering into the new Year with the UK’s first commercial electric articulated HGVs
At IFS we have a passion to share and promote innovative solutions that genuinely address the green issue and actively push for change…
Gbrf announces new service from Port of Tyne
This series of multimodal services comes as the Port of Tyne welcomes multimodal traffic to help ease the strains caused by…
New youngest recruit to International Freight Solutions
IFS’s latest recruit joins us through the ‘Kickstart Scheme’ – a government initiative. Jamie has settled in with ease, bringing enthusiasm along with…
Supply chain congestion is not just for Christmas!
Shippers across the globe might have to battle the effects of supply chain congestion and record high ocean freight rates for some time to come…
With a decline in rail passengers, are small to medium parcels the solution?
All aboard, as long as you are properly labeled and someone is waiting to pick you up at your destination station. The latest light logistics ideas…
Can UK Rail freight be a solution to the Road Freight crisis?
Trunk operations by rail are efficient, greener than road freight and convenient. Here is an excellent article that is so relevant in these times…